Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Islamismo = f (Nazismo)?

Paul Berman em seu livro The Flight of the Intelectuals mostra claramente que entre as raízes do islamismo moderno está o Nazismo. Ele responde a crítica feita por um desses idiotas esquerdistas que acham que Tariq Ramadan, o Hamas, e todas as outras manifestações do islamismo são progressistas pois se opõem aos EUA e querem a destruição de Israel: "In my own book I point to the official charter of Hamas, which is a Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood—the famous charter that begins with a quotation from the Koran, moves on to quote al-Banna (who calls for the obliteration of Israel), invokes The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (a staple of Nazi propaganda), and ultimately calls, on religious or pseudo-religious grounds, for a massacre of the Jews. I can’t help observing that Tariq Ramadan has contributed to Hamas’s fund-raising effort in Europe—not that I rest my argument on Ramadan’s monetary contributions (which, it is true, were not yet deemed illegal at the time, and which Ramadan himself has defended as humanitarian, though he would hardly say anything else). The contributions make a piquant and illustrative detail, though. But mostly I observe that Ramadan, who condemns terrorism in the abstract (it is wonderful to hear his condemnations, he is eloquent), nonetheless also writes justifications and even defenses of the kinds of terrorism that Hamas has always committed—as could only be expected, given his fidelity to the political tradition of Hassan al-Banna".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Existe, no entanto, uma distinção entre o nazismo e o islamismo radical que favorece este último. No caso do islamismo, qualquer um que aceite as palavras do profeta e do Coorão pode entrar como igual no mundo mulçumano.

Já no nazismo, a história era bem outra: imaginem um negão querendo virar oficial da SS ou então querendo casar com uma frauline.
