Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Determinantes da Pirataria

Artigo de Maximo Q. Mejia Jr ; Pierre Cariou e Francois-Charles Wolff na Applied Economics Letters sobre se a pirataria marítima é aleatória. Eles concluem que não: "In this note, we have used the merged data on attacks against vessels during the period 1996-2005 and on the total world merchant fleet to investigate the role of flag of registry and the type of vessels on the probability of being attacked. Instead of providing general statistics on acts of piracy, we shed light on some specific segments of the market for which combating piracy should be a priority. According to the data, piracy is clearly nonrandomly selected.
These elements are relevant not only to maritime administrations, ship owners and international organizations in their campaign against piracy but also to insurance companies that will undoubtedly benefit from a better understanding of the phenomena. It is in this vein that further research using similar approaches could be implemented, with a focus on potential regional similarities and differences in vessel selection by pirates".

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