Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Trotsky, o Ditadorzinho Meia-Boca

Para aquela almas inocentes que desejam imaginar que o comunismo seria diferente, talvez mais humano, se Stalin não tivesse escorraçado Trotsky. O homem que emerge na nova biografia escrita por Robert Service, Behind the Myth, Trotsky: A Biography, simplesmente aniquila tal ilusão: Western historians have largely accepted Trotsky's self-serving account of his opposition to Stalin's policies and methods, but the differences between the two leaders were more limited than has been commonly believed. Trotsky favoured moving quickly to central planning and collective farming, and shared Stalin's view of the need to isolate the kulaks (richer peasants). Far from being more liberal than Stalin, during the New Economic Policy (NEP) he blamed Stalin for sheltering Menshevik economists. It was Trotsky who pushed ahead with the 'militarisation of labour', which imposed army-style discipline and punishment on Soviet workers. Hailed as an apostle of cultural freedom because of his interest in the arts, Trotsky believed as much as Stalin did that culture must be assessed (and policed) in terms of its political correctness. Trotsky's influential essay Literature and Revolution, Service writes, 'was essentially a work of political reductionism. When all is said and done, it was Trotsky who laid down the philosophical foundations for cultural Stalinism.'

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