Thursday, April 9, 2009

Guerra Civil na Palestina 1947-1948

Um informativo artigo sobre a “Guerra da Independência de Israel”, um país criado por uma minoria de imigrantes em terra alheia. Benny Morris, o autor, aponta como um dos motivos para a derrota palestina o seguinte: "Palestine Arabs were largely illiterate, poor, mainly agricultural, and disunited, with a cluster of venal families, led by the Husseinis, at the helm. The leaders had little or no public-service orientation. The better-educated, wealthier Christian 8 percent of the Arab population feared the Muslim majority, townspeople looked down on fellahin (typically, farm laborers) and Bedouins (members of nomadic tribes), while fellahin feared and contemned Bedouins. The notable families had been bitterly divided since the 1920s by a power struggle between the Husseini-led leadership and the “Opposition,” led by another notable Jerusalem family, the Nashashibis".

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