Friday, March 23, 2007

Rent Seeking de Economistas

Na selva é comum vermos economistas semi-analfabetos falando com arrogância e autoridade daquilo que não entendem e fazendo fortuna com suas "consultorias", principalmente para o governo. Aparentemente, o judiciário americano está criando oportunidades para ser capturado por economistas rent seekers. Considerem esta notícia no Wall Street Journal: "For high-profile economists like the 58-year-old Prof. Teece, expert testimony has become a way to earn $2 million or more a year. Their rise has its roots in the Reagan era of the 1980s, when a free-market view of the law inspired by University of Chicago scholars gained ground. Courts now rely far more on economic analysis, with its apparent precision, to reach decisions. As a result, big companies in legal disputes race to enlist top economists on their side, paying top dollar in an arms race for talent".

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