Monday, June 21, 2021

A Contraditória Inversão do Spin Envesso: A Transformação de Foucault em um Chicago Boy

Impressionante! a esquerda não para um segundo. Suas mentiras, suas narrativas, embustes brilhantes porque convincentes diante da notória falsidade, são inventadas com uma eficiência germânica, escritas com elegância gaulesa e propagadas com a pujança Americana. A última moda agora é transformar um dos arquitetos da woke culture do politicamente correto, a principal arma cultural do comunismo, num grande expoente do neoliberalismo, quase um Friedman! Dean and Zamora thus contend, “Foucault’s anti-communism and his experimental attitude are lenses through which to view his relation to neoliberalism.” They are quite clear that Foucault was not “a partisan of neoliberalism,” as they wrote in a 2018 essay, but rather that there were certain ways in which neoliberalism influenced his later thought. There are undoubted affinities between it and his project of liberating the individual from power—of, in his words, convincing “people that they are much freer than they think.”

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