Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Informação Quer Ser Livre?

Malcolm Gladwell faz a resenha do livro de Chris Anderson “Free: The Future of a Radical Price”. Ele ataca a utopia de Anderson que pensa que informação será gratuita no futuro, e arremata: "there’s plenty of other information out there that has chosen to run in the opposite direction from Free. The Times gives away its content on its Web site. But the Wall Street Journal has found that more than a million subscribers are quite happy to pay for the privilege of reading online. Broadcast television—the original practitioner of Free—is struggling. But premium cable, with its stiff monthly charges for specialty content, is doing just fine. Apple may soon make more money selling iPhone downloads (ideas) than it does from the iPhone itself (stuff). The company could one day give away the iPhone to boost downloads; it could give away the downloads to boost iPhone sales; or it could continue to do what it does now, and charge for both. Who knows? The only iron law here is the one too obvious to write a book about, which is that the digital age has so transformed the ways in which things are made and sold that there are no iron laws"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Realmente o tema procede, pois somente o compartilhamento da informação, a educação enfim, poderá salvar a humanidade da auto-destruição, como parece sugerir um documentário da NatGeo (canal pago...) sobre o aquecimento global...
Note-se que apenas a China (que eu saiba), em desespero de causa, creio, impôs alguma limitação à natalidade...
De forma geral creio que a informação não quer ser livre, afinal "ninguém" faz nada de graça, é da natureza humana...