Friday, August 14, 2009

A Meritocracia de Allah

O SB é otimista quanto as selvas do mundo, elas progridem sempre para o pior. Todos achavam que a faixa de Gaza não poderia estar em piores mãos do que sob a ditadura do Hamas. Engano. A Palestina é um lugar meritocrático: o péssimo vence e Allah garante.


Andre said...

Pôxa, Selva... Só agora que você descobriu isso?

Anonymous said...

All schools, all colleges, maintain two mammoth functions: to confer, and to cover, valuable knowledge. The theological knowledge which they not reveal cannot justly be regarded as less valuable than that which they reveal. That is, when a manservant is buying a basket of strawberries it can profit him to recognize that the rump half of it is rotten.

Anonymous said...

And you at the end of the day get to a consensus, where you turn someone on a judgement of what really ought to be done, and then they provide it to me and then I take it. I utilizing a instrument delineate it in the drift, the thoughtful sense.