Thursday, January 28, 2021

Democracia do PSOL Americano

O PSOL ianque, o partido de Kamala, AOC e do laranja dos plutocratas, Biden, mostra em pouco mais de uma semana que governar é decretar ações sem discussão e aprovação do congresso e da sociedade civil: Biden Races To Sign As Many Executive Actions As Possible.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Evidências Arqueológicas da Bíblia

Livro de Bassett-Brody, Etched in Stone, mostra todas as evidências arqueológicas corroborando inúmeras histórias da Bíblia. Alguns exemplos:
1) The discovery of the city of Bethsaida would have to be at the top because it was discovered by Edward Robinson using nothing more than the Scriptures and a compass. If this doesn’t prove the historicity and reliability of the Bible I don’t know what does! Furthermore, excavations at this site have unearthed a history dating back to King David.
2) The walls of Jericho is another great one because many believed this city never existed since there was no archaeological evidence. But in 1907 German archaeologist Ernst Sellin and Carl Watzinger discovered the city ruins. Since then many excavations have taken place and all seem to agree that the biblical Jericho has been found. According to John Garstang, who headed an excavation team in 1930, the biblical account is confirmed in detail. For example, it was determined that the walls fell down by some sort of quake, that there was an intense fire that took place, and that Jericho was, in fact, the gateway city to Canaan just as the Bible describes. Furthermore, the poorer part of this town, with its thin walls, was the only section still standing which gives credence to the idea that Rahab could have lived there and that she and her family were protected just as God had promised.
3) Brick without straw is an interesting one. In 1883, Swiss Egyptologist, Edouard Naville was excavating one of the ancient treasure cities of Pithom, Egypt and he discovered a wall made of bricks. Some layers had bricks with a liberal amount of straw, some had less straw and some had no straw at all. Leave it to God to leave behind evidence of something so unlikely to be discovered more than 3,000 years later.
4) The discovery of a people known as the Hittites comes to mind because once upon a time Bible critics insisted that this group did not exist. There is no archaeological evidence to support them they said. But in 1906 more than 30,000 text fragments were unearthed in the ancient Hittite capital of Hattusha, Turkey. Today, the University of Pennsylvania offers a degree in Hittite civilization where you will learn about their agriculture, governing body and language. How’s that for biblical confirmation?
5) Death by Crucifixion cannot be ignored. One could say that the entire Christian faith lies on the truth of this form of punishment. Some claimed that crucifying people did not exist during Jesus’ day but now there is overwhelming evidence that crucifixion was known as early as the 6thcentury B.C. and was practiced by the Persians, Seleucids, Carthaginians, and Romans.
The biblical account of Jesus’ death on the cross is verified in numerous historical and medical ways. First, the victim would be whipped with a flagrum which caused bruising, tearing of the skin, and the exposing of muscle, veins, and bowels. If they survived this, victims were then tied and/or nailed to a wooden beam just as the Bible describes. They were left this way for several days, dying a slow and painful death, where passers-by would verbally abuse them. Once the victim’s lungs began to fill with fluid, the only way to breathe would be to push themselves upward. If they were unable to do so they would die faster and this is why the soldiers often broke the victim’s legs. Of course, we know that Jesus was already dead by the time they came to break his legs so that “not one of his bones was broken.” Furthermore, with the amount of blood loss Jesus would have suffered, He would have been in hypovolemic shock causing low blood pressure, and extreme thirst. But it doesn’t end there. Due to the low blood pressure from all the blood loss, the heart will try to compensate by beating very quickly causing fluids to collect in a sack around the heart and lungs. This is why when the soldier plunged his spear into Jesus’ side “blood and water flowed out.” This 2,000-year-old account is spot on with everything we now know about severe and sustained blood loss. It took the medical field centuries to figure out what the Bible already knew.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Temer, o Timoneiro Tremendão: Como a China Compra o Brasil

A China vem tascando pedaços saborosos da economia brasileira a preços de banana. A fórmula é simples: basta comprar nossos políticos corruptos e venais. Eis um exemplo de livro-texto:  Huawei contrata Michel Temer como seu lobista no Brasil.

Friday, January 15, 2021

O Covid Nadando de Braçada na Selva da Selva

O glorioso estado do Amazonas reúne as mais singelas características de seu povo, a preguiça Tupi combinada com a inteligência cearense, turbinadas pelo tino comercial turco-fenício. Evidentemente não tem como dar certo, por isso vemos o Covid devastar o estado como resultado da corrupção desenfreada, incompetência generalizada e ignávia integral. Obviamente os canalhas de sempre, a extrema imprensa e seus macaquinhos adestrados, o supremo tribunal de filhosdaputa e a fina camada composta pela elite do “fica em casa” que curte o verão em suas mansões a beira-mar culparão Bolsonaro de genocídio dos povos da Floresta…

Antifa, Filho de Juiz, Comandando a Invasão ao Capitólio

Os fatos sempre contradizem as agências esquerdistas que ironicamente se auto-denominam de fact checking. Logo após a invasão do Capitólio houve um esforço orquestrado e concentrado para negar qualquer infiltração de Antifas na manifestação contra o maior estelionato eleitoral da história da humanidade. Mas, como sói acontecer onde ainda há um resquício de lei e ordem [que o PSOL americano, o Partido de Biden e Obama quer destruir a todo custo] prenderam um dos Antifas que invadiram o Capitólio. A doce ironia é que é filho de um comunista do Partido democrata que se traveste de juiz, uma espécie de Barrão Barroso de NY. Leiam as notícias na grande imprensa da prisão do vagabundo Aaron Mostofsky e verão exercícios magníficos de spin jornalísticos de tal forma a convencerem os leitores que todo mundo que votou em Trump é fascista e merece censura, perseguição e, num futuro próximo, Gulag e paredão, e o jovem peralta, apesar de comunista e agente Antifa foi magica e inocentemente transformado em massa de manobra de Trump

Thursday, January 14, 2021

No Rabicó dos Outros é Refresco, No Nosso é Funesto e Picante

Que o exemplo da Indonésia seja seguido quando o STF nos obrigar a tomar a vachina do Dória: Influenciadores digitais estão entre os primeiros da fila para vacinação contra Covid-19 na IndonésiaQue comecem então com os bumbuns gulosos e regalões do Merlipe Neto e do Atila Tedboy Submarino.