Friday, May 23, 2014

A Inenarrável Criatividade Italiana: Drogas e Putaria no GDP

Italy will include prostitution and illegal drug sales in the gross domestic product calculation this year, a boost for its chronically stagnant economy and Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s effort to meet deficit targets. Drugs, prostitution and smuggling will be part of GDP as of 2014 and prior-year figures will be adjusted to reflect the change in methodology, the Istat national statistics office said today. The revision was made to comply with European Union rules.

1 comment:

  1. SB,

    O Pasquim de São Paulo lançou matéria hoje na capa do jornal dizendo que os gastos da copa equivalem a um gasto mensagem com educação.

    É brincadeira?

    Sabe quanto foi o jabá?
