Tuesday, April 30, 2013

O Atentado do Terrorismo Islâmico Contra a Direita Inglesa

Parece estória de filme de tão absurda: uma gang de terroristas islâmicos planejou atacar uma manifestação da EDL [English Defence League], um partido de direita inglês. Felizmente chegaram tarde no lugar da manifestação e só foram presos por sorte, pois o carro em que estavam não tinha seguro e o porta malas estava repleto de armas a serem usadas no ataque: Six Islamic terrorists facing lengthy prison sentences after admitting plot to bomb EDL rally causing mayhem and mass injuries. They arrived at rally at 4pm - only to find it had finished at 2pm. Extremists' car stopped on their way home because it had no insurance. Vehicle is towed with a cache of weapons hidden inside. They had a nail bomb, two shotguns and swords - but they weren't found at the compound for TWO DAYS. Group didn't take mobiles with them on day of the attack to avoid detection. Jewel Uddin was involved in another bomb plot which could have been 'bigger than the 7/7 atrocities'.

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