Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ditadura Venezuelana do Orangotango Stalinista Ameaça Capriles

O governo do orangotango stalinista Maduro ameaça prender Capriles por pedir a recontagem de votos na recente eleicão roubada que foi aplaudida por Dilma, pelo PT e pelo resto da canalha da América Latrina. Carlos Alberto Montaner faz uma análise lúcida e conclui que o governo ilegítimo de Maduro se sustenta sob o fio da navalha, assim como a vida de Capriles: Why the harassment against Capriles and, in general, the other leaders of the Democratic Unity Roundtable? Very simple. In Venezuela, everyone — government and opposition — knows that Henrique Capriles won the election by a clear margin that was later brazenly eliminated by electronic manipulation, as some observers assume, or by the simple “grab” that represents the worst Latin American tradition, as others believe. In any case, what’s clear is that Nicolás Maduro, the Chavista candidate, lost. And he lost, among other reasons, because it is very difficult for the majority in any society to back a half-witted bumpkin who talks to the birds and campaigns with a bird’s nest on his hat. The Venezuela spawned by the late Hugo Chávez is like a three-ring circus, true, but let’s not get carried away. The reaction of Varela, Diosdado Cabello, Adm. Diego Molero and the rest of the Chávez gang is that of a thief caught redhanded inside the house: He has to kill in order to escape. It wasn’t his initial purpose, but he must commit a greater crime to cover up a smaller crime.

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