Monday, November 21, 2011

Um Futuro Tenebroso para os EUA

Resenha de dois livros sobre o futuro dos EUA:After America: Get Ready for Armageddon escrito por Mark Steyn e Don’t Let the Kids Drink the Kool-Aid: Confronting the Left’s Assault on Our Families, Faith, and Freedom escrito por Marybeth Hicks.
Steyn paints the political and cultural landscape of the US with a very broad brush. His thesis is that through a process of expanding government, loss of faith in our historic traditions, and economic irresponsibility, the United States has bankrupted itself, passed the unpayable bill to its children and grandchildren, forsaken the culture that enabled it to be a unique bastion of liberty in the world and propelled itself down an irreversible path to disintegration and tyranny. Steyn places America among the great civilizations (Athens, Rome, England) that dominated the world, but eventually succumbed – more to internal rot than foreign invasion. He offers a brutal depiction of the multicultural, statist, humanistic policies that he believes are destroying the nation.
Hicks’ book is much narrower in scope than Steyn’s. She addresses almost exclusively the state of American public education – primarily at the K-12 level. She contends that the enterprise has been thoroughly captured by the Left and that our children are being fed a virulent diet of multiculturalism, environmental quackery, distorted American history, glorification of the secular and marginalization of religion, cultural garbage and a progressive agenda so radical that it undermines parents’ ability to impart their own values to their children.

1 comment:

  1. Estamos mesmo vivendo uma encruzilhada. Depressing times. Espero que os americanos percebam essa encruzilhada e retomem seus valores essenciais, para o bem da humanidade. Sem eles, realmente não tem pra onde fugir.
