Saturday, October 4, 2014

Prefeito Comunista de Nova York e a Luta Pelo Crime

Vocês leram corretamente. O prefeito comunista de Nova York, de Blasio, quer mudar a atuação da polícia. O departamento de policia de N Y [NYPD] reduziu o crime na cidade nos últimos 20 anos com a política de tolerância zero. Blasio, democrata [i.e., comunista] e pau mandado de Hillary Clinton, quer mudar o que deu certo e fazer Nova York voltar a década de 70, quando a cidade era uma merda absoluta, quase tão zoneada e dominada pelo crime quanto o Rio de Janeiro: Following a pair of mayors who were largely lockstep with the NYPD, de Blasio was viewed suspiciously by police from the beginning with his fierce push to end stop-and-frisk, the crime-fighting tactic that allowed officers to stop anyone they deemed suspicious but a judge ruled sometimes discriminated against minorities.He drew their ire when he called a police official to inquire about the arrest of a political ally, who was later released. Police said the release had nothing to do with the mayor's request but the unions said the call made it seem like de Blasio was undermining officers.

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