Thursday, October 23, 2014

Canada, Vítima do Politicamente Correto

O politicamente correto é um nome mais palatável para o socialismo, comum na América do Norte e Europa. O objetivo primordial do socialismo é destruir a civilização, por isso o politicamente correto articulou políticas migratórias equivocadas visando trazer para dentro dos países desenvolvidos radicais que pregam o conflito, o ódio e a intolerância. O longo prazo chegou e o efeito desses canalhas infiltrados se reflete nos recentes ataques por jovens canadenses radicalizados: Over the past years, a number of young Canadians have departed to be suicide bombers, IS soldiers and terrorist attackers. Last week, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police stated that they had 63 national security cases linked to terrorism involving 90 suspects. Those include people who intend to go overseas to fight and those who have returned.Canada, much like the UK and other European countries, has allowed a steady stream of extremist individuals, money and ideology to enter the country. Since the 1980s, these individuals have set up front groups and charitable organisations to accomplish their goals.

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