Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Trágica Ironia da Caridade Ocidental: O Caso Australiano

Failed states, países fodidos que se auto-destroem como Kosovo, Somália e Afeganistão, são objeto de caridade occidental. Muitos países desenvolvidos os ajudam recebendo parte de sua população, tentando minorar os problemas e dar um futuro para essas pessoas. Em comum todos são muçulmanos. Eles fogem de sua cloacas fodidas e são sustentados num mundo de estabilidade, pluralidade e riqueza material. Tragicamente as crianças dessa diaspora crescem abominando tudo isso e se tornam terroristas que ameaçam matar aqueles que os permitiram existir. A Austrália é a última vítima desse ciclo, torna-se um alvo dos Afegãos que ajudou a salvar: He said the plot involved the "random selection of persons to rather gruesomely execute" and said there was an "irrational determination to commit that plan" because those allegedly involved continued to plot the attacks even though they knew they were under police surveillance.The court was told the charges against Azari stemmed from a single phone call intercepted earlier this week and police made their move this morning to disrupt a group of mostly Afghan Australians 48 hours after that phone call, concerned at how close it was to going ahead.

1 comment:


    Isso eh exatamente o resumo do que acontece com o ocidente

    "One's extended his hand to shake his hand and the response has been he's been stabbed in the arm," he said.
    Mr Lay said he stabbed the officers as they greeted him.
