Saturday, August 23, 2014

Al Sharpton, o Reverendo Comunista

Sharpton é um vagabundo profissional que passa a vida falando merda, ou seja, uma espécie de Lula Americano. Um comunista infiltrado na igreja batista especializado em semear o ódio racial. É um mentor e assessor informal de Obama. Uma das suas ocupações principais é atacar a polícia de Nova York. O New York Post dá uma boa e necessária porrada no canalha: The Rev. Al Sharpton’s march today in Staten Island is meant to slam New York’s Finest. We’ll say it flat out: We support the cops.Unequivocally.Better The Rev & Co. turn their march into a parade to celebrate the NYPD — and how the department, almost single-handedly, turned this city around. (Notwithstanding efforts to the contrary by rabble-rousing self-promoters like Sharpton.)How ironic that the reverend titled his bit of street theater a “We Will Not Go Back” march. Because that’s precisely what he wants the city to do: return to the ugly days when cops failed to control crime, chaos ruled and the city was barely livable.

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