Monday, July 28, 2014

Trabalhando com Pessoas Insuportáveis

Boas dicas para tolerar as pessoas insuportáveis com as quais temos que trabalhar: Manage your own reaction to the behavior first; Practice emotional detachment so the person’s behaviors don’t bother you; Spend time trying to get to know the person and better understand what motivates him Don’t: Assume that it is all about the other person — you likely play some part; Commiserate with others who could be unfairly influenced by your negativity or may judge you for your complaints; Give feedback unless you can focus on work issues and can avoid a personal conflict.


  1. SB,

    Nada a declarar sobre a série "Os segredos da Bíblia" do History?

  2. útil para quem for fazer concurso pra aturar aquela PeTezada nojenta
