Saturday, July 5, 2014


A Colombian defender named Juan Camilo Zúñiga ended the World Cup for the Brazilian star Neymar on Friday with a nasty knee into Neymar’s back that fractured one of the striker’s vertebrae. It was an ugly play and a bad foul. It deserved, at least, a yellow card.Yet within any game, there is always a road map to every flash point. The beauty of soccer’s continuous flow is that one thing leads to another (and another and another), and that makes it possible to trace a path to a game’s most memorable moment. In a game like Friday’s, doing so makes it easier to see where things went wrong.So what happened to Neymar? How did the face of this tournament end up in a hospital? Brazilian fans will not like to hear it, but while Zúñiga was directly responsible for causing Neymar’s injury, Neymar’s teammates — specifically Fernandinho, though there were others — as well as the referee, Carlos Velasco Carballo, deserve their share of the blame, too. They did not commit the crime, but they contributed to an environment of lawlessness that led to Neymar’s being battered

1 comment:

  1. O jornalismo esportivo é moralmente desprezível. Parcial, sectária. Parecem mais políticos do que esportistas. O 2o. gol da Colombia foi roubado pelo bandeira. O jogador colombiano ESTEVE em impedimento MAS NÃO ESTAVA NO MOMENTO EM QUE RECEBEU A BOLA E CHUTOU A GOL. Somente depois do Gol é que o bandeira acusou o impedimento. ROUBO! Esse lance nem mais é reproduzido nos replay pelos comentaristas esportivos. Agem como cúmplices das irregularidades praticadas A FAVOR DO BRASIL. Acho que a canalhice do PT está contaminando a todos no Brasil... Será que também o NYT?
