Thursday, September 12, 2013

Gatinha do PT é Merecidamente Esculhambada na Inglaterra

Um dos sex symbols do PT, a gatinha escolada Raquel Rolnik, acha que pode falar para o resto do mundo as merdas que costuma falar no Brasil. Quebrou a cara, foi esculhambada merecidademente no parlamento britânico por criticar suas políticas de bem-estar: Furious Tories last night demanded the UN apologise for allowing a ‘loopy Brazilian leftie’ to attack the Government’s welfare reforms. Iain Duncan Smith said Raquel Rolnik had undermined the impartiality of the UN with her ‘outrageous’ call for his housing benefit shake-up to be axed. The Work and Pensions Secretary wants UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon to investigate the senior official’s conduct. He said she had not asked ministers or officials for their input, adding: ‘I find it staggering that without this official information Mrs Rolnik feels she is in a position to be able to properly prescribe what the future of the policy should be.’

1 comment:

  1. O panfleto da esquerda inglesa dá voz a Rolnik. Ela se faz de indignada... #novata!
