Friday, August 30, 2013

A Lenta Decadência da California: Texas Aplica Surra na Educação Básica

O socialismo é um câncer, ele destrói lentamente as economias que contamina. O caso da California é escandaloso, aquele que foi o estado mais dinâmico, empreendedor e rico, hoje é um exemplo de todas as mazelas causadas pelo socialismo que a transformou numa massa falida. Até na educação básica no qual a California era um exemplo para o mundo, a decadência causada por sindicatos de professores, burocracia e ideologia Paulo Freireana é indiscutível. John Taylor compara a California ao estado menos afetado pelo socialismo nos EUA, o Texas: my colleague Rick Hanushek has created three illustrative bar charts which enable a comparison between California and other states. Let’s focus on Texas. The first chart shows test scores in math for eighth graders using the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). California ranks 48th. Texas ranks 10th. So there’s another incentive effect The next two charts are even more striking. The chart below shows 8th grade math scores for Hispanics. California now ranks a bit worse at 49th. But Texas ranks much higher, in 2nd place. The percentage of the population that is Hispanic is about the same in California and Texas. The third chart shows 8th grade math scores for blacks. Again California is near the bottom. And again Texas ranks 2nd.

1 comment:

  1. Those numbers are very strange and the issue of school finance is a lot more complex than that. California is the state where tax revolt started (remember Reagan?).
