Tuesday, June 25, 2013

O Colapso do Lulo-Petismo e o Desastre Mais que Esperado da Copa e das Olimpíadas

A imprensa inglesa eivada de jornalistas escroques e mau caráter, ou seja, de socialistas, sempre foi simpática ao lulo-petismo. Mas diante do caos que se instaurou no Brasil com o colapso repentino e inesperado do Lulo-Petismo ela pede que a Fifa e o COI peguem o chapéu e se mandem o mais rapidamente possível cancelando os eventos no Brasil: Revolutions are sudden, instinctive and deadly. Empty rhetoric, regurgitated by grandees such as Sepp Blatter, has been rejected by those who want schools and hospitals rather than bread and circuses. It is hard to avoid the conclusion a tipping point has been reached. Violent images from Brazil, of demonstrators silhouetted by flames and riot police using rubber bullets and pepper spray to suppress mass protest, have a relevance beyond the current Confederations Cup, next year's World Cup and the 2016 Olympics in Rio. Once major sports events become a focal point for social unrest and political opportunism, in the way such global governmental summits as G8 attract activists, they are an embarrassment rather than an embellishment to a nation's image. Little wonder the invisible army of sleek-suited parasites who have subjugated sport to their own commercial ends are terrified; sponsors and TV executives will peer into the abyss and recognise the toxicity of their situation. Should they revert to type, the men who run organisations such as Fifa and the IOC will only trust themselves to partner undemocratic and unyielding regimes. The natural extension to football's World Cup cycle, following dubious staging posts in Russia and Qatar, is to pitch up in North Korea.

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