Sunday, June 23, 2013

As Consequências Nocivas Mais que Esperadas da Política Monetária Expansiva

Desde 2008 Ben Helicopter Bernanke vem socando no rabicó da economia mundial trilhões de dólares. Até mesmo os Keynesianos de quermesse e lunáticos profissionais como Krugman sabem que cedo ou tarde essa política monetária vai gerar inflação, desorganizar ainda mais a economia e gerar perdas brutais para quem trabalha e não especula: Bondholders in the United States alone would lose more than $1 trillion if yields leap, showing how urgent it is for governments to put their finances in order, the Bank for International Settlements said on Sunday. The Basel-based BIS lambasted firms and households as well as the public sector for not making good use of the time bought by ultra-loose monetary policy, which it said had ended up creating new financial strains and delaying rather than encouraging necessary economic adjustments.

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