Friday, May 31, 2013

A Inacreditável Boçalidade da Esquerda Americana

Marx dizia que era possível medir a mediocridade da burguesia pelo calibre de seus grandes espíritos [no caso o pigmeu intelectual comunista estava tentando atacar o gigante John Stuart Mill…]. Usando um paralelo, pode-se medir a boçalidade da esquerda lendo suas publicações intelectuais, como a revistinha Americana Slate. Parece inacreditável o que vocês lerão, mas, creiam, eles realmente escreveram essa merda delirante [o SB adverte, cuidado para não vomitar]: The economics of favela life are complex, not to say mysterious: Then next day, I met an articulate teenager with a fifth-grade education and brand-new sneakers. But then, of all the nations misleadingly known as "developing" economies, Brazil might be the one that most emphatically defies stereotypes and expectations. Once, the world imagined that international trade meant that people in poorer countries would provide "hands for Western brains," as the writer Adrian Wooldridge put it. Instead, Brazil is one of several "developing" countries that have become innovators in their own right, producing not only entrepreneurial businesses such as Bar do David but also multinational companies such as the plane manufacturer Embraer or Natura, which makes a fortune out of organic perfumes and cosmetics. The country is an international leader in the production of biofuels and the use of ethanol in cars; Brazilians tweet more than any other nationality except Americans.

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