Thursday, March 7, 2013

Para Vomitar de Rir! Artigo de Lula no New York Times sobre Chavez

Essa é verdadeiramente impagá vel, o jornal porta-voz da esquerda Americana, New York Times, publicou um artigo pago de “autoria” de Lula elogiando Hugo Chávez. Evidentemente o artigo deve ter sido manufaturado nas entranhas do Itamaraty, mas as pérolas de Lula, o falastrão, estão lá, como a que segue [o SB adverte, cuidado para nao vomitar de tanto gargalhar]:One need not agree with everything Mr. Chávez said or did. There is no denying that he was a controversial, often polarizing, figure, one who never fled from debate and for whom no topic was taboo. I must admit I often felt that it would have been more prudent for Mr. Chávez not to have said all that he did. But this was a personal characteristic of his that should not, even from afar, discredit his qualities.

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