Monday, March 11, 2013

A Política Externa Lulo-Petista Transformou Guiné-Bissau Num Paraíso de Traficantes de Drogas

A política externa lulo-petista planejada em Caracas e Cuba e regurgitada no governo brasileiro pelo laranja oficial do bolivarianismo: Marco Aurélio Sargento Garcia, tem na África interesses objetivos e ambiciosos: Transformar o continente numa plataforma internacional do tráfico de drogas. Por isso Lula não cansou de visitar o continente e apoiar todos os seus inúmeros ditadores corruptos. Guiné-Bissau, especificamente, dada a histórica influência brasileira é a grande contribuição do Lulo-petismo para a empreitada: Guinea-Bissau is sandwiched between Senegal and Guinea, where the African continent extends the farthest west toward South America. The fish market in Bissau, the capital, is just as far from eastern Brazil as from southern Spain, or nearly 3,000 kilometers (1,850 miles) as the crow flies. That's an easy distance to cover with private medium-range jets -- even if they are loaded with freight. In order to run their trans-Atlantic trafficking operations, the cocaine barons of Latin America need countries with an ideal geographic location, under the radar of international interest and characterized by the highest possible corruption index. Guinea-Bissau comes very close to fulfilling this ideal. The country has porous borders, inconspicuous airfields and a virtually powerless civilian government. Extradition agreements are practically unknown. One of the most sought-after American fugitives from justice, convicted murderer and hijacker George Wright, worked for years as a basketball coach in Bissau. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) sees Guinea-Bissau as the world's only example of a narco state: "In Afghanistan and Colombia, individual provinces are in the hands of drug lords. Here, it's the entire state," says a high-ranking official at the agency's headquarters in Vienna. In Colombia, the drug lords take advantage of the chaos. In Bissau, they benefit from the secure environment.

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