Thursday, February 28, 2013

Erros Comuns em Entrevistas para Empregos Acadêmicos

Uma lista com 12 erros comuns que devem ser evitados em entrevistas para empregos acadêmicos, entre eles: 2. I have no clue, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let you know that. It's hard to say "I don't know" in a job interview, but search-committees members will think more of you if you admit that you don't know the answer than if you give a poor or irrelevant one. Sometimes they will be impressed that you were willing to admit your ignorance.
5. A little embellishment never hurt anybody. It is tempting to embellish your record just a little here and there. After all, you are facing stiff competition for the job, and every little bit helps. But that is risky, for at least two reasons. First, especially with the availability of the Internet for fact checking, it's just too easy for potential employers to figure out that you're stretching the truth. Second, once you have shown you are untrustworthy, you can kiss the job goodbye. If the hiring committee catches you exaggerating in one area, its members are likely to assume that you have done the same in other areas. You're better off sticking to the truth.

1 comment:

  1. Selva, e essas "pérolas" aqui, ditas por candidatos a vaga?
