Monday, October 8, 2012

Calhordice é a Regra na Imprensa Americana

Jornalista escroque e mau-caráter existe a dar com o pau na América. Quem não se lembra de Dan Rather falsificando um documento na eleição de 2004 para prejudicar Bush? A maioria das grandes empresas midiáticas americanas são politicamente liberals [de esquerda] como a CNN e Time e sua sede de calhordice parece insaciável, tanto é que importaram o consistentemente horroroso picareta Fareed Zakaria. Cedo ou tarde a falta de caráter do calhorda iria se revelar escandalosamente: Fareed Zakaria—host of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS, editor-at-large for TIME, and columnist for the Washington Post—was recently implicated in a plagiarism scandal. Conservative media watchdog Newsbusters found that portions of a TIME article he wrote on gun control were borrowed without attribution from a New Yorker article by Jill Lepore. Zakaria apologized for his error, explaining that he had confused his handwritten notes. His publishers each suspended him for a month, but TIME and CNN rescinded their bans after only a week, once their investigations found no additional problems. Plagiarism is a serious ethical breach. At Yale University—where Zakaria matriculated and was, until recently, a trustee—plagiarists can be expelled. Last month, Zakaria resigned from Yale’s board shortly after the scandal, saying he wanted to “focus on the core of my work.”

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