Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Uma História da New School, A Universidade da Diáspora Judaica na América

A New School hoje é uma pálida, pobre, versão do faculdade dos anos 40. Hoje seus economistas são marxistas de porta de cadeia, há 70 anos atrás ela tinha grandes economistas como Jacob Marschak e Franco Modigliani. Uma história da New School aparece nesse interessante artigo escrito por Bessner: Of all American institutions of higher education, the New School for Social Research in New York City accepted the largest number of German and European intellectual exiles during the era of National Socialism [1]. Founded in 1933 and soon renamed the “Graduate Faculty in Political and Social Science” (Graduate Faculty), this “University in Exile” served as the wartime home to 184 exiled scholars, seventy-four of whom hailed from Germany [2]. It was at the New School that a full one-quarter of all intellectual émigrés to the United States worked. The University in Exile saved several of the most influential academics of the twentieth century, including Hans Kelsen, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Bronislaw Malinowski, Leo Strauss, and Max Wertheimer [3]. Several future policymakers, including Karl Brandt, Gerhard Colm, and Hans Speier, also made this institution their home. The story of the New School in the 1930s is one central to twentieth century American and transatlantic intellectual history.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.estadao.com.br/noticias/impresso,ilha-dos-cegos-gera-revolta-na-grecia,897453,0.htm
