Friday, June 29, 2012

Quando Picaretas Fingem Seriedade

Mervyn King ganhou notoriedade acadêmica publicando papers na Econometrica usando a econometria do oprimido do mago Muamar Galdalf. Foi nomeado central banker do Reino Unido e sob sua batuta os bancos deitaram e rolaram. Agora finge que é sério...Se tivesse um pingo de vergonha na cara pedia demissão e saía de fininho:
Sir Mervyn King, who refused to back Barclays chief executive Bob Diamond, added that the behaviour of Barclays’ traders underlined the need to separate high street banking from casino trading operations.“What I hope is that everyone now understands that something went very wrong with the UK banking industry and we now need to put it right,” he said. “From excessive levels of compensation, to shoddy treatment of customers, to deceitful manipulation of one of the most important interest rates.“We can see that we need a real change in the culture of the industry. And that will require two things, one is leadership of an unusually high order and [the other is] changes to the structure of the industry.”

1 comment:

  1. O banco da Inglaterra não é o regulador dos bancos na Inglaterra, então sua critica ao Mervyn não procede.
