Tuesday, May 15, 2012

O Futuro do Euro: Entrevista com Miguel Leon-Ledesma

Entrevista com um dos melhores economistas europeus Miguel Leon-Ledesma: The Euro is not viable in its current form and it will only survive if politicians design a credible strategy for its survival in the very short run. (...) The euro cannot survive unless there is a move towards more fiscal union pertaining debt and fiscal transfers. The union can be limited, there is no need for a grand transfer scheme and there are imaginative proposals out there about designing an efficient system for backing weaker states’ new sovereign debt issues. There is also a need for a true banking union with common regulatory rules. But the short run is much shorter than many like to believe. The state of denial cannot continue. Whether the euro can survive, thus, is a question that will be answered in the next few month.

1 comment:

  1. O Miguel é fogo. Rapaz, que bem escreve o bicho.
