Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Porradão de Jack London

O SB nunca foi fã de Jack London a quem considera medíocre. Mas vejam só esta carta de London a um escritor desconhecido que mandou um livro para ele ler e comentar:
Oct. 26, 1914
Dear Max Fedder:
In reply to yours of recent date undated, and returning herewith your Manuscript. First of all, let me tell you that as a psychologist and as one who has been through the mill, I enjoyed your story for its psy­chology and point of view. Honestly and frankly, I did not enjoy it for its literary charm or value. In the first place, it has little literary value and practically no literary charm. Merely because you have got some­thing to say that may be of interest to others does not free you from making all due effort to express that something in the best possible medium and form. Medium and form you have utterly neglected.

1 comment:

  1. SB
    Deste aqui você vai gostar: http://www.amazon.com/Criminal-Prosecution-Capital-Punishment-Animals/dp/1886363528
    Fonte: http://www.updateordie.com/
