Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Justiça na Civilização

Enquanto os selvagens assistem impotentes e abasbacados um ministro do STF defender com sua preguiça e incompetência a canalha do mensalão para garantir que o Brasil continue por mais alguns séculos como o paraíso da impunidade, a civilização mostra o caminho das pedras de como a justiça deve funcionar. Eis um caso de livro-texto como a ralé parasita e criminosa deve ser tratada:
Darrell Desuze, 17, punched the elderly man to the ground as disturbances swept the country on August 8 last year. Mr Bowes, who had been trying to put out a fire in a dustbin near his home in Ealing, west London, suffered brain damage and died three days later in hospital. Desuze, who was 16 at the time, was sentenced to eightyears' detention at Inner London Crown Court, while his mother Lavinia was jailed for 18 months for perverting the course of justice by getting rid of the clothes he wore that night.

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