Thursday, February 23, 2012

William Carlos Williams e Robert Coles

William Carlos Williams foi durante algum tempo o poeta favorito do SB, o motivo era simples, Williams era um dos poucos poetas que o SB conseguia entender com o inglês precário que tinha. Neste artigo sobre Robert Coles há uma estória interessante entre o estudante de letras e seu ídolo literário; Coles mandara um paper que escreveu sobre a obra de Williams para o próprio poeta:
Coles sent the paper and received a reply from New Jersey about a week later:
I opened it up and there was a piece of paper from a doctor’s small, square prescription pad: William C. Williams, M.D., 9 Ridge Road, Rutherford, New Jersey. The prescription said, “Dear Mr. Coles, thank you very much for sending your thesis to me. It’s not bad for a Harvard student.” In a new paragraph, he added, “If you are ever in the neighborhood, please come see Flossie and me. Bill.”

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