Monday, January 2, 2012

O Maior Roubo do Século

Daqui a alguns anos quando a maioria das aposentadorias nos EUA depender das contas privadas, dos 401K, ficará claro e evidente que esses poupadores foram lesados, ou melhor, roubados pura e simplesmente. Quem os roubou? Naturalmente os administradores de fundos de aposentadoria, os “analistas de finanças” e os CEOs das empresas cujas as ações fazem parte desses fundos. Isso explica o salário astronômico, irreal, absurdo desses CEOs Americanos.
“As far as I’m concerned, a board that keeps loading up its chief executive with more stock and options each year is, from a shareholder perspective, basically committing theft,” says Albert Meyer, a former accounting professor who runs a money-management firm called Bastiat Capital. It’s all legal, of course, but to Meyer you can tell if an enterprise exists for the benefit of shareholders or insiders by the number of options it awards its top executives. Options aren’t free; they dilute the worth of everyone’s shares. And the practice hurts more than the privileged few. Anyone who owns an index fund of the country’s 500 largest companies owns shares in McKesson, a Fortune 500 company. “It’s nothing short of a massive wealth transfer from the retirement accounts of middle-class Americans to a privileged few,” hidden in the guise of stock-option programs like McKesson’s, Meyer argues.

1 comment:

  1. Está descoberto de onde os petralhas pegaram o Know How: Controlar o executivo, o legislativo e o judiciário e .... dar umas migalhas para os acionistas (Oops! eleitores)
