Saturday, December 24, 2011

Obama, Fim Absoluto da Picada

It's disappointing that President Barack Obama isn't attending the funeral of the great Vaclav Havel. I heard rumors that he might not be attending, which brought back memories of him dissing the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, but hoped he'd do the right thing. But the White House has sent notice of the official delegation, and President Obama is not on the list. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton is going and former President Bill Clinton will be with her. But what sort of message does it send that our president won't be paying his respects to one of the champions in the great fight of the 20th Century against communism? [Dica, Badger]


  1. É que o Obama estava muito ocupado no funeral do Amado Líder do Povo Coreano...

  2. Puta comentário ridículo. Obama mandou a Hillary. Quantos candidatos a presidente republicanos foram ao enterro do Havel? Parece até que o Havel foi enterrado em Baltimore, a menos que 2 horas de Washington de carro... Gente burra é phoda.
