Monday, December 5, 2011

A Lenta Destruição das Universidades Americanas

As universidades americanas ainda são as melhores do mundo. Entretanto, o esforço dos Gramscianos infiltrados na academia americana para minar seus padrões, mudar o comportamento dos alunos e professores, aumentar o poder dos burocratas e, consequentemente, destruir a pesquisa, é notável. Uma de suas principais armas é a “avaliação dos professores”. Neste artigo Robert Weissberg vai direto ao ponto: "If the assessment of “good teaching” is turned over to administrators, and this is now nearly universal thanks to the accountability mantra, watch out. In today’s lawsuit-happy campus, standards must be bureaucratized and, rest assured, the committee that formulizes this knack will be dominated by the PC crowd. These are faculty who relish boring committees if there is any chance it can be used to achieve social justice.
Good teaching will be measured by questionnaires distributed to students who seldom know what they are supposed to learn, and instructors are defenseless against committee definitions of classroom excellence, no matter how irrelevant. Since the PC agenda dominates contemporary universities, that questionnaire will almost inevitably reflect PC aims regardless of subject matter or classroom format. Likely questions will be “Did the instructor adequately cover the contribution of racial and ethnic minorities?” or “Did the instructor treat all opinions with equal respect?” The de facto message here is be “inclusive” even if a waste of time, and don’t ever disrespect racial ethnic or racial sensibilities by arguing with the thin-skinned, no matter how foolish their classroom “contributions.”"


  1. Sobre a passagem de Peter Thiel (PayPal) em Stanford: "At Stanford, where he majored in philosophy, Thiel chafed at the identity politics that was in vogue on campus at the time—at the strictures of political correctness. "I think there's something unhealthy about anything that pushes to that much conformity,"

  2. Isso é foda mesmo. Eu ainda tenho esperança que os americanos voltem as suas origens, mas essa gente que infesta as universidades americanas é a mesma gentalha que infesta as daqui. É preocupante quando a universidade brasileira (esse oximoro) influencia mais a americana do que o contrário.
