Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Por Que os Vagabundos e Picaretas se Atraem?

Um dos fenômenos mais curiosos da natureza humana é a atração mútua de vagabundos e picaretas. Se é para não fazer porra nenhuma e culpar os outros pelos próprios fracassos sempre haverá uma turba ruidosa para apoiar. O Occupy Wall Street atrai a nata da picaretagem e vagabundagem yankees, mas, claro, é um movimento aberto e como sempre acontece há de haver um bom e honesto brazuca no meio. Vejam o caso desse tal “doutor” [sim, é para gargalhar]: a Brazilian doctor who worked in Rio’s favelas and was one of the original organizers of Arts and Culture, explains that the group’s praxis revolves around two principles. “First—autonomy, horizontalism and collectivism. We’re nonhierarchical, self-regulating, self-deliberating and self-organizing. Everyone is creating their own stuff, but we’re connected to a larger hub through the Arts and Culture group.” The second principle is something Alexandre calls “virgeo,” a mashup of “virtual” and “geographical.” “We try to have both an on-the-ground conversation and an online conversation so that people all over the world can send their ideas and respond to our work.” The same concepts apply, more or less, to the other culture working groups at OWS—from Media (which shoots video for OWS’s livestream, documents direct actions and produces educational videos) to the Library (which has received more than 3,500 books, all logged in an online card catalog, from the nearly complete works of Noam Chomsky to Creative Cash: How to Sell Your Crafts, Needlework, Designs and Know-How). [Dica, Badger]

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