Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Esquerda Americana: Jon Stewart vs. Michael Moore

Um interessante artigo comparando as duas figuras de proa da esquerda americana, que expressam toda sua miséria moral e intelectual. Michael Moore é o famoso cineasta que inventa um mundo a parte, repleto de falsidades, onde socialismo é a solução natural para as mazelas do capitalismo. Jon Stewart é o comediante que seleciona e edita boçalidades republicanas e faz uma ironia previsível e xula e, portanto, é considerado um intelectual. O autor do texto faz uma comparação excelente entre os dois tentando explicar porque o judeu nova yorkino é o preferido dos democratas ao redneck comunista de Michigan:
Moore, while taking all the right positions and displaying all the right characteristics for a political and cultural leader – courage, boldness, uncompromised expression of contested beliefs – represents everything that the modern, educated liberal casts as inferior. Moore is obese. His appearance is consistently sloppy and working class. He’s a college dropout. He has an apartment in New York City, but continues to spend most of his time living in Michigan. He’s devoutly Catholic. An overweight, relatively uneducated, Midwestern Catholic is the image that most liberals mentally sketch when they consider the cultural enemy. Stewart, on the other hand, is the physically fit, son of a physics professor, a college graduate, and an avatar of the intellectually superior style of yuppie political communication. His format allows him to express it perfectly – play a clip of a Republican saying something predictably stupid, make a bemused facial expression, and then cut it down in an exaggerated tone of disbelief or sarcastic agreement. Cue audience applause.

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