Monday, November 28, 2011

A Destruição da Sociedade Inglesa

Artigo de Paul Collier sobre a decadência da sociedade britânica. Ele está correto em dizer que se trata de um problema cultural. Como economista de esquerda está redondamente errado em dizer que a culpa é de Murdoch ou da cultura de massa americana. Ignora a principal estratégia Gramsciana para arruinar um país através da destruição de suas tradições culturais; no Reino Unido o multiculturalismo é a arma predileta dos marxistas.
The outcome in England has been disastrous for the bottom half of the working class. Defeat in the economic war led to a period of mass unemployment which broke the habit of work. As jobs re-emerged, usually in services rather than factories, 80 per cent of them were taken by immigrants who arrived with aspirations and a willingness to work hard. In the process, unlike in the rest of Europe, the apprenticeship system collapsed: employers found it cheaper to hire skilled immigrants than to train English youth. Despite overall higher employment than in continental Europe (the result of our deregulated labour market), we now have English working-class households in which three generations have been workless, living in neighbourhoods in which the majority also do not work.
The collapse in the work ethic coincided with a breakdown in family relationships. Contraceptives brought the youth of all classes sexual liberation: yes, bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven! But the middle classes, who led the libertarian revolution, had the cultural resources to temper their freedom: middle-class divorce and illegitimacy rates initially rose but then declined again. Working-class youth, meanwhile, was not truly liberated from the link between intercourse and pregnancy since that depended on a prudence which was largely lacking — severed from the cultural norms that had preserved the family.

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