Wednesday, August 24, 2011

O Empreendedorismo Africano

Burkina Faso deve ser um lugar tão merda, tão absoluta e totalmente merda que ousaria mesmo compará-lo com o Maranhão. A criatividade de sua gente não pode ser posta em dúvida, seu empreendedorismo causaria inveja e perplexidade até mesmo em ex-genros turcos de sinhozinhos maranhenses. Vejam os dois exemplos abaixo:

From Mr George Kabore [],
This message might meet you in utmost surprise. However, it's just my urgent need for foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction(…)
I am a banker by profession in BURKINA-FASO, WEST AFRICA and currently
holding the post of manager in account and auditing department in our bank. I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds ($ 12.3 Million Dollars) belong to our deceased customer who died along with his entire family in a plane crash.
Hence; I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 60/40 if you agree to my business proposal. Further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your return mail immediately as soon as you receive this letter.
Please indicate your willingness by sending the below information for more clarification and easy communication.
For more details, Contact me for more details.
(1) YOUR FULL NAME.......................... ....
(2) YOUR AGE AND SEX..........................
(3) YOUR TELPHONE .............................. .
(4) YOUR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN................
Trusting to hear from you immediately.
Thanks & Best Regards,
Mr George Kabore,

From Mr.Mahamsli Ouedraogo []
The officer in charge of Auditing department of Bank Of Africa(BOA)
Dear Friend,
I am Mr.Mahamsli Ouedraogo the officer in charge of Auditing department of Bank Of Africa (BOA) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso in West Africa, with due respect and Regard, I have decided to contact you on a business transaction that will be very beneficial to both of us at the end of the transaction.
During our investigation and auditing in this Bank, I came across a very huge sum of money belonging to one of our deceased customer who died on Tuesday 10th June 2008 on a plane crash and the fund has been dormant in his account with this bank without any claim of the fund in our Custody either from his family or relation before my discovery to this development. As you can read more from the website bellow:
Although personally, I kept this information secret to enable the whole plans and idea be Profitable and successful during the time of execution, the said amount is Twelve million Two Hundred Thousand United States dollars(US$12.2m), as it may interest you to know, I got your impressive information on my search for a reliable partner, I contacted you to be my partner and person to be reliable and capable to champion a business of such magnitude without any problem.(…)
I will not fail to inform you that this transaction is 100% risk free, on smooth conclusion of this transaction, you will be entitled to 40% of the total sum as gratification, while 10% will be set aside to take care of expenses that may arise during the time of transfer,while 50% will be for me, please you have been advised to keep "Top Secret" as I am still in service and intend to retire from service after I conclude this deal with you.(…)I suggest you get back to me As soon as possible and also include your personal phone/mobile and fax numbers for easy communication.
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Mahamsli Ouedraogo.


  1. "Although personally, I kept this information secret to enable the whole plans and idea be Profitable and successful during the time of execution" Lol!!!
    SB, vc tem o dever de enviar as duas proposta ao congresso...não consigo parar de rir!!!!

  2. Porra SB, que merda é essa de entrepremeurismo? Estás começando a falar castelhano agora? Em português é empreendorismo, seja lá o que isso signifique.

  3. Esse site de caras que sacaneam esses scammers
