Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Quem Apoia os Terroristas? No Paquistão é a Classe Média

Resultado de um estudo feito no Paquistão e publicado na Foreign Affairs:
poor Pakistanis nationwide disliked the militant groups about two times more than middle class Pakistanis, who were mildly positive toward the groups. We suspect that this is because much of Pakistan’s militant violence is concentrated in poorer areas and in the bazaars and mosques where less affluent people sell goods, shop, and pray. In addition to being in more physical danger than the rich, the poor are at more of an economic risk from attacks, and income losses are more consequential for them. Wealthier people often have servants run errands to bazaars, and when they do personal shopping they are likelier to do so in upscale stores in their own neighborhoods, which are safer.

1 comment:

  1. É isso aí: bomba na mesquita dos outros é refresco.

