Friday, July 15, 2011

Limite da Dívida Americana: Implosão é Solução?

Segundo Karl Rove [um dos mentores e assessores do presidente que quebrou a economia Americana, George W. Bush] o impasse sobre a renovação e aumento do limite da dívida Americana e' culpa de Obama: Mr. Obama has offered no evidence since becoming president that he wants to restrain the upward trajectory of government spending. He does want higher taxes to pay for significantly higher federal spending. But he wants Republicans to deliver the tax increases, since Democrats couldn't pass them last year despite controlling both chambers of Congress. His tone also hasn't helped achieve a comprehensive agreement. The president's two most recent press conferences, in which he accused the GOP of foot-dragging, convinced Republicans that he was interested in scoring political points and attracting independents, not facilitating a deal. Convening high-profile White House meetings without offering substantive concrete proposals and then having his aides leak madly (and inaccurately) to the press afterward further squandered trust.

1 comment:

  1. Karl Rove is right! Obama is a demagogue, a lawyer (a liar), he’s thinking only in political gains, not in the country as whole. If the conservatives don’t stop the growth now, under Obama's burden, they will have to do it ahead under the conservatives burden. So, let it be under Obama's.
