Friday, June 3, 2011

Como Palhocci Ficou Miliardário da Noite pro Dia?

O SB descobriu, num furo de reportagem, como o ministro Palhocci enriqueceu rapidamente. Simples! ele respondeu ao email abaixo! Respondam ou liguem para o vagabundo Africano e fiquem ricos como o Palhocci!

From Mr. John Williams (
African Development Bank (ADB)
Burkina Faso Ouagadougou

My Dear Friend,

Please I want you to read this letter very carefully and I must apologize for barging this message into your mail box without any formal introduction due to the urgency and confidential of this issue and I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. Please this is not a joke and I will not like you to joke with it.

I am MR John Williams a Manager in African Development Bank (ADB) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to establish with you for the mutual benefit of you and I. This fund was deposited in our bank by Mr. Kattan Azmal from Jordan who died in a plane crash in 2000 Tbm 700 aircraft on 31st July with his wife and the whole crew on board.

I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of ($10.5) million USD into your account within 14 working banking days. This money has been deposited for years in our Bank without claim due to the owner of this fund died along with his entire family and supposed next of kin in an air crash since July 31st 2000.

The reason why i contacted you is that after the bank audit in 24th of November, we found out that this fund has remained unclaimed since the death of the deceased costumer.

I want our bank to release this fund to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer while i come over to your country to share this fund with you as soon as you confirm this fund into your account and ask me to come over. I don't want the money to go into our Bank treasure as an abandoned fund. So this is the reason why i contacted you so that our bank will release this money to you as the next of kin to the deceased customer. Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it if you are not interesting.

Upon the receipt of your reply and indication of your capability, i will give you full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 50% of the above mentioned sum if you agree to handle this business with me while 50% be for me, Because i don't want anyone here in our bank to know my involvement until you confirm this fund into your account and ask me to come over for the sharing as I indicated.

I am looking forward to hear from you immediately for further information do not hesitate to call me on this number +22674 65 35 35


  1. Em resumo, a burrice do mesmo teria funcionado, apesar das claras más intenções do Mbuntu Mbugane. ha ha ha ha

  2. Será que esse cara consegue engabelar gente deste nosso país, terra de estelionatários?
    Aconselho tentar um argentino...
