Monday, April 11, 2011

O Imperialismo Chinês

Todo idiota latino-americano deveria saber o que significa um mundo com a China como superpotência. O SB entretanto duvida que o anti-americanismo seria abatido, pois se trata de uma profissão de fé desses idiotas. Mas nao deixem de gargalhar lendo este relato na World Affairs da presença chinesa em Angola. Last March, I drove more than five hundred kilometers of newly tarred roads from Luanda toward the Lunda provinces in northeastern Angola. By October, on a follow-up trip, the tar had been removed from different sections of this expanse as a result of poor workmanship by Chinese engineers. This was not an isolated occurence. Throughout the country, tales of the Chinese roads being washed away by rain or filling up with potholes within months of being opened to traffic are now the stuff of legend. On the return trip, while dodging potholes as I drove through the province of Malanje, I saw a new Chinese-built school whose roof had blown off in a recent rainstorm. The older neighboring houses kept their roofs even though some of them were thatched.


  1. Teriam sido os chineses os construtores do minhocão da UnB?

  2. O mundo precisa experimentar a ação devastadora do chineses para ver o que é bom para a tosse.

  3. É barato que ninguem consegue vence-los mas eles ainda ganham dinheiro em cima
