Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Impressionante Maldade Lusitana, ou Mourinho é um Gênio

Quem não se lembra de Sir Alex Ferguson esculhambando a cabecinha miúda de Kevin Keegan e fazendo-o perder a premier league várias vezes na década de 90? Mourinho está fazendo um job semelhante com o metrossexual Pepe Guardiola, mas sempre com a típica e inata maldade da nossa cultura portuguesa [para alguma coisa ela deve servir!]:
"Up to now we have had two types of coaches. A very small group of coaches who never speak to the referees. After that, there is a bigger group, of whom I am one, who criticise the referees when they make huge errors. But it is also a group who are happy to highlight the good work of the referee. And now, with the declaration of Pep the other day, we are entering a new era with a third group, which for the moment includes only him, who criticise the correct decision of the referee. This is something I have never seen in the world of football."

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