Friday, April 29, 2011

Governo Dilma Esqueceu de Pagar o Jabá do Financial Times

Que coisa amigos! Há seis meses atrás quem lia o FT achava que o Brasil é o melhor país do mundo, que crescia mais do que a China, era mais rico que os EUA e melhor governado do que a Suiça. Mas vejam que coisa, alguém do governo da Dilma anda embolsando a grana para pagar o jabá do Financial Times, pois, surpreendemente e subitamente, o FT decidiu enxergar o Brasil como ele é. O Brasil volta a ser a merda que sempre foi e sempre será.
Brazil, like much of the region, sailed through the global financial crisis. Roaring Asian demand for the commodities it exports in such abundance – iron ore, ethanol, soya and other foods – buoyed Brazil’s terms of trade. This huge windfall allowed for a huge surge in imports, but masked growing vulnerabilities.
Plug in 2005 commodity prices, for example, and Brazil’s $23bn trade surplus would become a $20bn deficit. If Chinese demand for commodities were to fall – and it cannot be sustained for ever – Brazil’s growing deficit would explode.
Meanwhile, the government has pursued the state-led mega-projects – most particularly in the oil sector – in which Dilma Rousseff, the president, believes and that are part of a global ideological shift towards bigger government. The echoes with the 1960s and 1970s are eerie – and not just in Rio’s retro-looking buildings and street decor
. [Dica, Badger]

1 comment:

  1. Contudo, sempre há a desculpa de que a "mídia internacional" está a soldo dos interesses dos EUA...Nada a ver com incompetência gerencial, lógico.
