Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Vaca Sagrada Americana: Os Gastos Militares

É absolutamente ridículo que o país gaste tanto dinheiro para perder guerras que nunca deveria ter feito e, pior, é incapaz de prender um único homem, Osama Bin Laden. E mesmo com a economia quebrada ninguém ousa criticar esses gastos absurdos. Sob qualquer ângulo os EUA gastam demais com gastos militares e o retorno é ínfimo, ouso dizer, maranhense.
Add to that the mountain of evidence showing that Pentagon, Inc. is a miserably managed enterprise: hide-bound, bloated, slow-moving, and prone to wasting resources on a prodigious scale -- nowhere more so than in weapons procurement and the outsourcing of previously military functions to “contractors.” When it comes to national security, effectiveness (what works) should rightly take precedence over efficiency (at what cost?) as the overriding measure of merit. Yet beyond a certain level, inefficiency undermines effectiveness, with the Pentagon stubbornly and habitually exceeding that level. By comparison, Detroit’s much-maligned Big Three offer models of well-run enterprises.

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