Friday, March 4, 2011

Fodeu de Vez: FMI Vai Destruir Capital Humano

A package of measures, agreed in 2008 to strengthen the representation of dynamic economies in the IMF, has entered into force. The reform provides for quota increases for 54 countries, with the largest gains going mainly to dynamic emerging market countries, ranging from Korea, China and Turkey, to Brazil and Mexico. The reform will also enhance the influence of low-income countries in the IMF’s decision-making, including in its 24-member Executive Board.


  1. A ser verdade tudo isso, nessa toada, com petistas participando dessa festa, não sobrará nem mesmo capital físico.

  2. Além das cotas no Brasil, neguim vai querer fazer essa "ação afirmativa" em nível global?!? Começo a acreditar nas profecias de Nostradamus...
