Monday, February 28, 2011

A Indestrutível Canalhice Humana: O Retorno dos Apologistas de Stalin

Não, não estamos nos referindo aos analfabetos do PCdoB, eles estão muito ocupados mamando no programa Segundo tempo para fazer a apologia de Stalin. Na Rússia, onde o atraso reina, há um crescente movimento para reabilitar o maior carniceiro de todos os tempos: For more than twenty years now, many thinkers in Russia have been free to reject Communism openly and borrow without fear or hesitancy from the latest Western intellectual fashions. This includes the West’s penchant for moral relativism, which has been embraced with particular enthusiasm by Stalin apologists, who have, in the manner of Holocaust deniers, been working feverishly to establish the Man of Steel’s innocence, in particular for the mass bloodletting of the Great Terror. The strange fruits of this revisionist endeavor, which has accompanied a general surge in Russian nationalism and imperialism, have cropped up in bookshops as shelves overflow with volumes adorned with Joseph Stalin’s face, sanitized of its pockmarks, the authors determined to “prove” the utter innocence of the Soviet leader. Apologetics of this order stopped forever after Khrushchev denounced his predecessor in 1956—or so it was thought. But in fact the freeze on Stalinism has been thawing ever since the fall of Communism two decades ago.

1 comment:

  1. No que toca à selva, nada de novo. Aqui, os seguidores do Pingunço de Garanhuns vivem endeusando um tal Getúlio Vargas.
